What the data shows

As you can see in the chart below, 30% of the University of Alabama student population belonged to the distance learning program as of 2016. In my experience working with in the distance learning program, students desire the flexibility of being able to attend classes with a full-time job and family. Not only will increasing the amount and variety of distance programs help students, but it will also be beneficial for the University. These are both reasons why we should do everything in our power to satisfy the educational needs for our distance students.

distance learning population_edited1

As you can see in the 2nd chart (below), the majority of students at the University of Alabama major in Arts and Sciences. In my research, I found that there is currently only one Arts & Sciences program offered by distance learning. Since Arts & Sciences is the most populated program, then it should make sense to add more programs in Arts & Sciences for global students who wish to major in these areas.

enrollment by college_edited

We should also keep in mind that distance students are not the only ones who take online courses. Many campus students take online courses and desire the flexibility of taking specific courses online.



Bama By Distance students prove themselves to be very successful and that they enjoy what they do. By bringing more programs into distance education, we can make that dream come true for more students who may want to go into the Arts or Sciences.

According to Jacob, a former graduate student from the University of Alabama from Knoxville, TN, the distance program was 
“a perfect fit” for him. After graduation, he received a financial advancement as well as a new job (bamabydistance.ua.edu). 

Another student, Army Specialist Richardson was able to complete his degree while away serving his country. He still believes it’s the “best decision he’s every made” (bamabydistance.ua.edu).  

Comments & Suggestions

As part of my research, I verbally surveyed three students who would like to see more programs. I’ve recorded their responses below.

Q: What things would you like to see more of in the Bama By Distance program?

“My bachelor’s degree was in Psychology, so it would be nice to see an online masters program that I could enroll in to further my education. I have a full-time job, so online education is my only option. I haven’t found an online degree that I’m interested in yet so I’m waiting to see if something else comes available”.  Amanda M. (University of Alabama staff member and hopeful student).

“I personally have been looking for more criminal justice programs but currently all that is being offered is a degree in criminology”. – Brad W. (University of Alabama hopeful student).

“I was a little disappointed that there isn’t an Art History program being offered online. I am really interested in the Art program but when I noticed it wasn’t offered online, I ended up choosing another option as a last resort. I am holding out hope that it will be added in the future and then I can switch my major”. – Mary J. (University of Alabama online student).